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Journal articles

Marlon JR, Kelly R, Daniau A-L, Vannière B, Power MJ, Bartlein P, Higuera P, Blarquez O, Brewer S, Brücher T, Feurdean A, Gil Romera G, Iglesias V, Maezumi SY, Magi B, Courtney Mustaphi CJ & Zhihai T (2016) Reconstructions of biomass burning from sediment-charcoal records to improve data–model comparisons, Biogeosciences, 13, 3225-3244 (link)
Kehrwald NM, Aleman J, Coughlan M, Courtney-Mustaphi C, Githumbi E, Magi B, Marlon J & Power MJ (2016) One thousand years of fires: Integrating proxy and model data, Frontiers of Biogeography, 8, e29606 (link)
Vannière B, Blarquez O, Rius D, Doyen E, Brücher T, Colombaroli D, Connor S, Feurdean A, Hickler T, Kaltenrieder P, Lemmen C, Leys B, Massa C & Olofsson J, Eds: Murray-Wallace CV (2016) 7000-year human legacy of elevation-dependent European fire regimes, Quaternary Science Reviews, 132, 206–212 (link)