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Frequently Asked Questions

What is PAGES?

Past Global Changes (PAGES) is a registered paleoscience association for scientific research and networking on past global changes. Watch Lukas Jonkers (SSC) and Nikita Kaushal explain the role of PAGES here.

What are "past global changes" exactly?

PAGES focuses on any measurable changes in climate and biosphere, as well as their interactions with humans, in the past. These changes must occur at a global scale or have impact on the global scale.

When does "the past" start ?

For PAGES, "the past" is any time before the instrumental period. The instrumental period is classified as the period when instruments where used to take measurements of climate variables, and it varies for all areas of research.

What is PAGES' position in the international research world?

PAGES is a Global Research Network of Future Earth. PAGES signed a scientific partnership agreement with the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information - Center for Weather and Climate, World Data Service for Paleoclimatology (WDS-Paleo). Read more about our supporters and partners here.

What does PAGES do?

PAGES supports research which aims to understand the Earth's past environment in order to obtain better predictions of future climate and environment, and inform strategies for sustainability. PAGES’s support takes the form of small grants for workshops, connecting scientists through its databases, website support, and outreach/press releases for publications by PAGES working groups. PAGES encourages international and interdisciplinary collaborations and seeks to promote the involvement of scientists from developing countries in the global paleo-community discourse. Science within PAGES is conducted by working groups. Read more about workshop/meeting support here.

What are PAGES working groups?

PAGES working groups (WGs) are temporary organizations that target specific aspects of PAGES' scientific agenda by running activities that result in synthesis products. WGs tackle broad questions that cannot be answered by a single research team, but require the integration of a wider, international science community. Read more to learn more about PAGES working groups here.

How can I be involved in a working group?

A good start to be involved in an existing working group is to become accustomed to its activities. Sign up to the working group’s mailing list. Send an email to the leader(s)/coordinator(s) introducing yourself and letting them know a bit about your interests and/or areas of expertise. Read more about mailing lists here. Plus each working group has a "People" page with leaders' contact information.

The Newsletter also provides information on the groups activities. Access all the Newsletter editions here.

Most of the groups organize annual workshops or meetings during larger conferences or webinars that are open to any participants, although the number of available seats might be limited. Attending one of these activities helps you to become acquainted with the group and its work. Find working group and other meetings you would like to attend on the PAGES Calendar.

Proposals for new working groups, that cover topics not yet covered by the existing ones, can be submitted, usually twice a year. Find out more about proposing a new working group here.

Can PAGES partner in a research project?

Read more about the criteria for participation in research projects here

Where is PAGES located?

The PAGES International Project Office (IPO) is located at the University of Bern, Switzerland. Find us here. Scientists involved in PAGES' activities are located around the world. Search for a scientist here.

How does PAGES communicate?

Along with our website, PAGES distributes a monthly Newsletter to People Database members, highlighting working group news, upcoming paleoscience events, deadlines and activities. PAGES is also active on X and Facebook.

On average twice per year, PAGES publishes the Past Global Changes Magazine, a free journal focused on a scientific theme and guest edited by invited scientists.

In 2021, PAGES published the first issue of Past Global Changes Horizons, a free annual paleoscience magazine for teens and young adults.

Working groups have their own mailing lists and also hold in-person or online meetings and workshops. Working group members contribute articles to various journals as part of their planned output.

Every four years, PAGES organizes the Open Science Meeting (OSM) and Young Scientists Meeting (YSM).

How can I be involved in PAGES' activities?

Join the individual working group's mailing lists to be informed of current news.

Register on the PAGES People Database to receive the short monthly e-news and electronic notification of the Past Global Changes Magazine.

Check the PAGES Calendar for potential workshops or conferences you might like to attend.

Who are PAGES' financial contributors?

PAGES was founded in 1991 and supported by the US NSF and the Swiss SNSF until 2018. Since 2018, financial support has come from the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT). In late 2019, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) joined SCNAT as an official supporter of PAGES' activities. PAGES IPO is supported in-kind by the University of Bern, Switzerland.

How is PAGES' science structure implemented?

PAGES' science structure is implemented through several initiatives: working groups, integrative activities, collaborations, and endorsed and affiliated groups. Read more here.

Are there activities dedicated to early-career scientists?

The main aim of our Early-Career Network (PAGES ECN) is to promote the next generation of researchers to develop their own career track. Find out more and join here.

The Young Scientists Meeting (YSM), organized every four years, is a stepping-stone for early-career researchers who want to develop their professional skills and expand their scientific network.

What is PAGES' definition of an early-career researcher?

PAGES usually defines an early-career researcher (ECR) as an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters/PhD) student, or a scientist, within five years of completing their PhD. However, these guidelines are flexible and take into account reasons for absences. For specific PAGES' activities, note that the criteria may vary slightly.

How can I receive PAGES' Newsletter?

When joining PAGES you can subscribe to receive the monthly Newsletter by email. You can modify your subscription by editing your profile.

How can I receive the Past Global Changes Magazine?

Both the electronic and paper version of the Past Global Changes Magazine are made available for free. Any new issue of the Past Global Changes Magazine is advertised in the monthly newsletter and can then be downloaded from the website. If you are interested in receiving a free hard copy of the magazine, please be sure to complete the online webform that will be announcedon the front page of the PAGES website, in the monthly Newsletter and in social media. Please note that this is the only way to ensure you receive a hard copy of the magazine.

Can I submit an article to the Past Global Changes Magazine?

Different types of manuscripts are published in the Past Global Changes Magazine:

- Science Highlights articles are part of a section on a specific topic and guest edited by several researchers.
- Program News articles present newly set up working group(s). Occasionally they briefly propose a story on a scientific topic highly relevant to PAGES.
- Workshop report articles summarize the findings and perspectives presented and discussed during a PAGES-supported workshop. You can find further information and instructions here.

How can I attend a PAGES workshop?

Check PAGES' Calendar for workshops and the procedure to attend individual meetings.

Is there a budget limit for financial support of workshops (maximum amount of support)?

PAGES’ support of its working group workshops/meetings is usually in the order of US$10,000 for the first workshop, and approximately US$5000-10,000 for follow-up workshops. In rare cases, where a very good case is made, funding may be extended to a maximum of US$12,000.

PAGES’ support for educational workshops/meetings is usually between US$5000-10,000 per meeting. The bulk of requested PAGES funds should be assigned to enable the participation of young scientists and/or teachers who would otherwise not be able to attend.

PAGES’ support for open call workshops/meetings is usually in the order of US$5000 and never more than US$10,000 per workshop. It is typically allocated to support the travel costs of participants from developing countries or the attendance of international scientists at meetings in developing countries. Read more here on workshop/meeting financial support.

How does PAGES manage my personal data?

For further information, you can find all details at this link.

How can I unsubscribe from the PAGES Newsletter?

To unsubscribe from our Newsletter:
Sign into your account via the Edit / View / Delete profile, then deselect the relevant publication.

How can I delete my profile from the PAGES People Database?

To delete your profile completely:
Sign into your account via the Edit / View / Delete profile, then go to the "Edit account" tab. At the bottom of the page there is the option to "Cancel account".

How do I change or update my contact details?

Sign into your account via the Edit / View / Delete profile menu, then make changes on the "Edit Member profile" tab.

How can I reset my password if I've forgotten it?

1. Go to Edit / View / Delete profile
2. Click the "Reset password" tab and fill out the details
3. You’ll then receive an email with instructions on creating a new password.

What if the email address used in my People Database entry is no longer valid?

Sign into your account via the Edit / View / Delete profile menu, then make changes on the "Edit Member profile" tab.

What if I can no longer access my account?

If your account has been blocked, please write to (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch) with the subject line "Unblock my account" and we will restore it for you.

Are you a member of the press and interested in PAGES activities?

PAGES can help members of the press get in touch with scientists possessing expertise in specific areas of paleoscience for comments, interviews, and analyses. Send your request to our Communications and Project Officer with details on the type of expertise sought, purpose, and the organization you represent. If you already know who you are looking for, or if you want to contact a scientist near you, you can search for them in the PAGES People Database (over 5000 members) by name, affiliation, location, and expertise.

How can I join a working group mailing list?

Please visit the FAQs on joining or moderating mailing lists here