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Data Stewardship Scholarship

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The next deadline for applications for a data stewardship stipend in 2025 will be announced shortly.

This proposal form is only for officially approved PAGES working groups.


The annual stipend/scholarship for data stewardship is available to PAGES working groups to help collate and safely store valuable research data according to the FAIR and CARE Principles.

> Find out more and learn all about the scholarship here

> See frequently asked questions (FAQs) here


Please read the guidelines below before submitting the application (the form is below).

- This PAGES support is specifically dedicated to data stewardship and may not be used for other purposes. For instance, analyzing or interpreting the data cannot be the main purpose of the DSS.
- Only current PAGES-supported working groups (WGs) and those that have sunset within the last 2 years can apply for this support.
- Funds will be allocated as a stipend from PAGES to the data steward.
- The WG annual report must include a detailed update on the data stewardship activity.
- All products resulting from the data stewardship stipend must acknowledge PAGES.
- An electronic copy of all products, or any partially completed products, should be emailed to the PAGES IPO.
- Proposals must be submitted online. The call for proposals will be announced once per year and a maximum of one proposal per working group, per 3-year-phase, will be funded.
- You must contact your PAGES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) liaison to discuss your plans at least two weeks before submitting your proposal.
- The call has the same deadline as the call for workshop financial support and new working groups.
- A maximum annual support of US$15,000 can be allocated to each working group. The funding requested must be proportional to the work planned, and needs to be justified in the proposal.

*Please note: This form will time-out after 2 hours. To avoid loss of data, prepare your proposal offline using this template (MS Word; last updated on 04 June 2024) and then copy-paste text blocks into the form.​*

Any additional questions should be sent to the PAGES IPO: (pages[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch), or contact your working group SSC liaison.

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ONLY lower case chars. Please enter only ONE address.

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Please explain why the scholarship/stipend is needed. 500 words maximum.

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If so, please provide the name and contact email, specify the employment situation of that person, and if the person currently has other sources of funding. In addition, would this person be interested in learning about training opportunities? Are there opportunities for mutualizing efforts with other working groups?

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Provide an approximation of the number of records that will be included in the database, their availability, and potential updates (e.g. n = 250 records; 50% in trusted repositories; 20% as supplementary material, 25% to be digitized). 

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We expect/encourage WGs to stick to community data standards, or seek to engage with the community to develop their own (following FAIR principles). Please specify which community standards you plan to adopt, or if you plan to build your own.

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Where do you intend to archive the data after the completion of the project? Please note that you will have to contact the repository prior to the start of the project to sort out specific requirements and community requirements/plans.

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Please explain how these fit into the working group’s goals. 250 words maximum.

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Please include intermediate steps, which include current status of the datasets, final size at the end of the project (e.g. number of datasets, spatial and temporal coverage, etc.), feasibility of obtaining these datasets, and derivables at each intermediate step. Please include an approximation of the workload that enables an assessment of the feasibility of the proposal. Use bullet points to fill out this information (e.g. Task 1/Working package 1: collection of datasets from Holocene to present (60 datasets).

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Please detail the budget and justification according to the working plan (one year).

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Planned use of PAGES funds (Detailed budget)

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Is this data stewardship activity sponsored or supported by another organization? If so, what is the form of this support? If they contribute financially, how much? 250 words maximum.

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