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TMS Foraminifera Festival

Online meeting
Contact person
Rehemat Bhatia
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

The TMS Foraminifera Festival, a virtual foram-themed day of talks and posters, will be held on 27 August 2021 from 06:00-18:00 UTC.


The festival, on Zoom, features four sessions of talks (15 mins) and posters, each convened by a group of four to five early-career researchers, and break-out sessions to give everyone an opportunity to network.

There is a general session (split into two parts) and two themed sessions - one focused on the limitations of palaeoclimate proxies, and the other focused on foraminifera biomonitoring.


Abstract submission closes 5 July 23:59 Pacific time (6 July 06:59 UTC).

Organizers particularly encourage submissions from early-career researchers and those from under-represented minorities. 


Registration deadline is 1 August 23:59 Pacific time (2 August 06:59 UTC).

There is no registration fee, and sessions will be made available for asynchronous viewing (subject to presenter preferences).

Registration form:

Keynote speakers

Session 1: Flavia Boscolo-Galazzo (University of Bergen)

Session 2: Giulia Margaritelli (IRPI-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)

Session 3: Haruka Takagi (Chiba University)

Session 4: Abduljamiu Olalekan Amao (KFUPM)

Festival coordinators

- Dr. Anieke Brombacher (University of Southampton, TMS Events Secretary, (events[at]tmsoc[dot]org))

- Dr. Babette Hoogakker (Heriot-Watt University, TMS Foraminifera Group Chair, (b[dot]hoogakker[at]hw[dot]ac[dot]uk))

- Dr. Lyndsey Fox (Kingston University, TMS Foraminifera Group Secretary (l[dot]fox[at]kingston[dot]ac[dot]uk))

- Dr. Manuel Weinkauf (Charles University in Prague, TMS Newsletter Editor, (newsletter[at]tmsoc[dot]org))

- Dr. Rehemat Bhatia (TMS Publicity Officer, (publicity[at]tmsoc[dot]org))