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PALSEA 2013 Workshop: Estimating rates and sources of sea-level change during past warm periods

Rome, RM, Italy
Workshop report
Contact person
Andrea Dutton
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The next PALeo constraints on SEA-level rise (PALSEA) meeting is to be held in Rome Italy 21-24 of October. The meeting is open to all scientists interested in addressing the meetings main questions on Estimating rates and sources of sea-level change during past warm periods

The aim of this workshop is to explore, discuss, and debate what the paleo record can say about rates, sources, and processes of sea-level change across a range of magnitudes and timescales during past warm periods such as the Holocene, the last interglacial period, other interglacial periods such as marine isotope stage 11, and the Pliocene optimum. We encourage diverse contributions such as evidence from geologic records, geochronological controls, and models of climate, ice sheets and glacial isostatic effects.

Abstract submission is open to any interested scientist, but participation is limited and will be by invitation based on the abstracts. The workshop will include a half-day field trip to visit Roman fish tanks used to constrain sea-level change and ice-sheet mass-balance history during the late Holocene. An optional 1-day field trip will be offered if there is enough interest to visit additional sites in the region, cost TBD (more information to follow). Some travel support will be available for early career researchers.

There will be a limited number of oral presentations to allow time for discussion. This will include several invited speakers with additional oral presentations selected from the submitted abstracts. The remainder of the accepted submissions will be designated for poster presentations, where the bulk of the scientific discussion will occur.

Limited funding is available for early career and other scientists of stated need.


Apply to the workshop

- The deadline for submitting abstracts will be 15 June 2013 to (adutton[at]ufl[dot]edu).

- Please use the following e-mail subject heading: PALSEA2 ABSTRACT: ORAL/POSTER where you select oral or poster as your preference.

- Please indicate in e-mail if you wish to participate in the optional 1-day field trip on 25-Oct.

- Cost of this optional field trip will be covered by the participants.

- Notification of participation will occur in early July.

Abstract preparation

Please follow the following formatting guidelines:

- Use Times New Roman 12pt font throughout

- Margins all set to 1- Submit as a Word document (not pdf)

- TITLE (all caps, centered)

- [skip one line]

- Authors1: (centered: Last name, Initials with no periods or spaces)

- [skip one line]

- Institutions: (centered, Italics)

- [skip one line]

- Abstract text: left justified, no indent for first line of each paragraph, skip one line between paragraphs, not to exceed one page in length


Anders CarlsonAssociate Professor

College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR, 97331 (acarlson[at]coas[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu)

(p) +1-541-737-3625

Conveners: Andrea Dutton & Marco Anzidei

Organizing Committee: Anders Carlson, Antony Long, Glenn Milne, Fabrizio Antonioli