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PALSEA 2014: Methodologies used to document palaeo sea level and ice-sheet extent and build sea level / ice sheet databases

Lochinver, United Kingdom
Workshop report
Working groups
Meeting Category

The 2014 PALSEA2 workshop will explore, discuss and debate the methods by which precise and accurate reconstructions of past sea level and ice-sheet extent can be developed over a range of spatial and temporal scales, from the Pliocene optimum to the current interglaciation.

Lochinver, located in the far north west of Scotland, is chosen because it is an ideal venue for an intense combined field and presentation workshop. The British and Irish Ice Sheet was located on the climatically sensitive margins of the North Atlantic and its past evolution is a well-constrained analogue for many other ice sheets. The challenges in reconstructing its history - including its vertical and lateral extent, onshore and offshore correlations, the influence of local and regional climate forcing, as well as impacts on local and global sea level - are common themes that challenge the international PALSEA2 community.

The field sites visited will provide stimuli for debates regarding how existing and new databases of observations should be constructed and how the PALSEA2 community can use these to address the programmes' broader paleo sea-level questions.

View the proposed schedule here.

Registration / abstract submission

Abstract submission opens on May 1st and closes May 31st. Contributions are encouraged that synthesize results in a broader context, integrate diverse methodologies and data sources, and identify potential paths towards reconciling existing datasets and/or filling gaps in the knowledge of past sea-level behaviour, and the processes responsible for these sea-level changes.

In particular, submissions are encouraged from developing country scientists and early career researchers and funding from PAGES and INQUA will be available to support such delegates.

More information regarding submitting an abstract and accommodation etc. can be found at:


Conveners: Antony Long ( (a[dot]j[dot]long[at]durham[dot]ac[dot]uk)) & Natasha Barlow ( (n[dot]l[dot]m[dot]barlow[at]durham[dot]ac[dot]uk))

Organising Committee: Anders Carlson, Andrea Dutton, Antony Long, Glenn Milne