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Aquatic Transitions people

Questions can be sent to the Working Group Coordinator or Mailing List Administrator (see below).

Steering Group

Peter Gell - Federation University Australia (WG Coordinator)

Steve Juggins – Geography, Newcastle University, UK (Database Coordinator) 

John Dearing – Geography, Southampton University, UK

Marie Perga - Institute Nationale de Recherche Agronomique, France

Jasmine Saros - Biology, University of Maine, USA

Carl Sayer - Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, UK

Keely Mills - British Geological Survey, UK (Mailing List Administrator)

Key participants

Hema Achyuthan, Geology, Anna University of Chennai, India

Doriedsen Gomes, Biology, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil

Nathalie Dubois, Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Switzerland

James Dyke, Co-chair Sustainability Science, University of Southampton, UK

Roger Flower, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, UK

Sheri Fritz, Department of Earth Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nebraska, USA

Tsige Gebru Kassa, University of Cologne, Germany (Ethiopia)

Esther Githumbi, University of York, UK (Kenya)   

Gabriela Hassan, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Erik Jeppesen, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark

Giri Kattel, Federation University Australia

Andreas Lang, Geography & Planning, University of Liverpool, UK

Peter Langdon, Geography, University of Southampton, UK

Peter Leavitt, Biology, University of Regina, Canada

Gael Le Roux, EcoLab UMR 5245, Toulouse, France

Ngoc Nguyen, Coordinating Committee for Geoscience, East and SE Asia, Bangkok, Thailand

Dan Penny, Geosciences, University of Sydney, Australia

Michael Reid, University of New England, Australia

Dan Schillereff, Geography & Planning, University of Liverpool, UK

Anaëlle Simonneau, Université de Toulouse 2 le Mirail, France       

Jon Tyler, Earth & Environmental Science, University of Adelaide, Australia

Blas Valero, Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, Zaragoza, Spain

Dirk Verschuren, Biology, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium

Rong Wang, Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, CAS, China

Kaarina Weckström, Marine Geology, Voldgade, Denmark

Janet Wilmshurst, Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand

Yang Xiangdong, Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, CAS, China

Dong Xuhui, Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, CAS, China