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Coastal Changes and Evolution (CoChE 2019)

Oristano, Sardinia, OR, Italy
Working groups
Meeting Category

The Coastal Changes and Evolution EGU-INQUA summer school (CoChE 2019) - a multidisciplinary training school for early-career coastal researchers - will be held from 15-18 September 2019 in Oristano, Sardinia, Italy.

It is open to early-career researchers in the field of geomorphology, geology, climatology, maritime archaeology, coastal engineering, and physical geography.


The training school will be hosted by the IAS-CNR lab in Oristano. The IAS-CNR is located near the small village of Torregrande, centre-west of Sardinia (western Mediterranean). Torregrande, is approximately 10 km away from the Oristano train station. A shuttle bus will collect the participants at the train station.


CoChE is an international EGU-funded training school (supported by PAGES Working Group PALSEA) dedicated to the upcoming generation of coastal researchers and focusing on current methods to investigate the response of coastal zones to ongoing climate change.

The training school will include in-class lessons and field activities covering a range of specific fields, including geomorphology, sedimentology, paleoclimatology, maritime archaeology and numerical modeling.

The study of past coastal processes has direct relevance for informing our understanding of the impact of future coastal, sea-level changes and extreme events on shorelines, but also to explore the strategies adopted since the antiquities to mitigate and/or adapt to such changes.

This interdisciplinary study of coastal zones will explore the current methods to investigate their response to the transition from glacial to interglacial periods (with a focus on the late Quaternary, i.e. the last 125ka) in order to gather information on sea-level changes and polar ice-sheet sensitivity to colder and warmer climates.

It will train the participants in field, laboratory, and modeling techniques that are currently used to investigate rates and causes of coastal changes at different time scales.

Preliminary program

Sunday 15 September

18:00 - Arrival of participants. Ice breaker​

Monday 16 September

9:00-12:00 - Lectures, Late-Quaternary coastal changes

14:00-18:00 Field activities in the Mistras lagoon

- Coring techniques and quantitative sea-level reconstructions

- Drone photogrammetry for high-resolution topography

- Paleoclimatic reconstructions from coastal sediments

Tuesday 17 September

9:00-18:00 - Fieldtrip to the Nora archaeological coastal site

- geo-archaeology of ancient coastal settlements

- beachrocks as a proxy for coastal modification

Wednesday 18 September

9:00-12:00 - Lectures, Modeling paleo and modern coastal changes.

14:00-18:00 - Field activity in the Sinis coastline

- Glacio-Isostatic modeling, from the Holocene to the last interglacial

- Stratigraphic and geomorphic proxies of sea-level in a warmer world

- Modeling modern coastal processes

​20:00 - Social dinner

​Thursday 19 September

Departure to the airport

Key speakers

The school is led by Dr Matteo Vacchi, with invited speakers including Dr Jacky Austermann, Dr Simon Engelhart and Dr Paolo Stocchi.


Registration opens 28 January and closes 30 April 2019.

EGU funding will be used to cover the partial or full registration costs of early-career scientists on a needs basis (e.g. self-funded students). This will be decided by the organising committee after the registration deadline and communicated to participants by June 2019. The workshop has a maximum capacity of 18 participants.

The registration fee covers transport during the fieldtrips, accommodation in double rooms, coffee breaks during the lectures, and the social dinner.

Further information

All details can be found on the official website:

If you have questions about the registration process, schedule, or general information, contact: (medflood[at]gmail[dot]com)