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ECN webinar: Getting your research funded: an ERC success story

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The PAGES Early-Career Network (ECN) Webinar cluster and Dr Alessio Rovere will conduct the webinar "Getting your research funded: an ERC success story" on 4 November 2020 at 9:00 UTC and 16:00 UTC.

> Access the webinar recording on the ECN YouTube channel here. The presentation used in his talk is also available here.


After the successful ECN workshop in 2019 on the topic "Funding starts here: Grant writing for early-career researchers", the ECN invite Dr Rovere once more to speak about his success in obtaining an ERC research grant.

Speaking from his experiences with the application process for his ERC grant, Dr Rovere will provide many tips on how to be successful in grant writing. Dr Rovere is also a leader of the PAGES PALSEA working group.

The talk will be followed by a Q&A session. Both the talk and Q&A session will be recorded and available afterwards on the ECN's YouTube channel.

How to join via Zoom

9:00 UTC:

16:00 UTC:

No registration required.

> Access the webinar recording on the ECN YouTube channel here. The presentation used in his talk is also available here.

Further information

Find out more about the Webinar cluster here.

Access all the previous ECN webinars on its YouTube channel.