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Chronologies of Late Pleistocene Terminations symposium



Contact person
Lorraine Lisiecki
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

As part of an INQUA PALCOM Multi Year Project on Past Glacial Terminations (T5-0 MYP), a topical symposium on "Chronologies of Late Pleistocene Terminations" will be held virtually on 17 and 19 May 2021.


Three of the priority questions of the T5-0 MYP are:
- Are the rates of warming similar among the past 5 terminations, and what processes contribute to differences?
- What mechanisms of ice sheet change drove the fastest rates of sea level rise over the past 5 Terminations?
- How well do climate models capture the temporal (and spatial) scales of environmental change during terminations inferred from paleoclimate data sets?

Program and how to join

All are welcome!

> Access the full program, list of speakers and abstracts here (pdf, 307KB)

Monday 17 May, 19:00-22:00 UTC
Meeting ID: 898 8448 5731
Passcode: Chronology

Wednesday 19 May, 14:00-18:30 UTC
Meeting ID: 636 1739 3042
Passcode: Chronology

Abstract submission

Organizers welcome the submission of abstracts by 19 April (new date).

Submit abstracts using this Google Form:
In this chronology-focused symposium, contributions are welcome which present either:

(a) New well constrained paleorecords improving knowledge of absolute ages, rates of change across terminations, or new tools for dating climate records with potential to provide improved chronologies for terminations, or
(b) New approaches to identify correlations and improve tuning between different types of records or locations.

For example, an application of climate modeling to identify correlated regions and the processes responsible for the correlations, or robust mathematical approaches to calculate correlations.
Contributions relating to Terminations 2 through 5 are particularly encouraged and will be given priority. In addition, presentations will be selected to bring a balanced representation across different terminations. Organizers particularly encourage submissions from early-career researchers and postgraduate students from developing countries.
A key goal of PALCOM T5-0 is to improve the synergy of model and data studies and organizers strongly encourage contributions combining paleodata and model results.

In addition, contributions that are heavily focused on new data observations or model results should be presented in a manner that is accessible and helpful to all.
The final symposium program will be published the first week of May.

Steering Committee

Ruza Ivanovic, Lorraine Lisiecki, Heather Stoll, Laurie Menviel, and Emilie Capron.


Oliver Kost and Devin Rand.

Further information

Questions can be emailed to Lorraine Lisiecki: (lisiecki[at]geol[dot]ucsb[dot]edu)