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Risk-KAN webinar - Climate Endgame: Understanding Worst-Case Warming



Contact person
Felix Riede
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

The Learning from the Past (past4future) Working Group of Future Earth's Knowledge Action Network on Emergent Risks and Extreme Events (Risk-KAN) invites you and interested colleagues to its next webinar on 24 June 2020 at 7:00-8:00 UTC.


Learning from the Past (past4future) Working Group webinar with Luke Kemp (CSER Cambridge): Climate Endgame: Understanding Worst-Case Warming.


The Risk-KAN leaders envision these webinars as a way to learn about new ideas and diverse perspectives at the interface between palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, archaeology, and history, and to spark cross-project and cross-disciplinary discussions – not least in relation to the science-policy interface.

Please join the discussion – and let them know if you like to present something yourself in the future.


7:00-7:10: Welcome and introductory remarks

7:10-7:30: Luke Kemp (Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, University of Cambridge, UK)
Climate Endgame: Understanding Worst-Case Warming

Could climate change cause global societal collapse or even human extinction? Good risk management requires knowledge of worst-case scenario. But for climate change our knowledge of such futures is underdeveloped. In this talk we will discuss the reasons to believe that climate change could cause global catastrophe, review the most relevant research areas, and outline a research agenda for exploring the worst implications of climate change.

7:30-7:45: Q&A

7:45-8:00: WG housekeeping & networking; announcement of coming webinars – farewell

How to join

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 611 9798 5279

Join by SIP

Join by H.323
Meeting ID: 611 9798 5279

Further information

The Risk-KAN Learning from the Past co-chairs are Felix Riede, Michael Evans, Luke Harrington and Huw Groucutt.