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PAGES Magazine

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Eds: Pienitz R, Lotter A, Newman L & Kiefer T
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

This issue focuses on advances in paleolimnology, with special emphasis on recent methodological developments and their significance for research in the PAGES context.

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> High resolution pdf (36.3 MB)
> Low resolution pdf (8.9 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu


> Full reference list

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES
> Eulogy: John "Jack" Eddy [p.90-91]


> Advances in Paleolimnology [p.92-93]
R. Pienitz & A.F. Lotter

Science Highlights

> The potential of high-resolution X-ray fluorescence core scanning: Applications in paleolimnology [p.93-95]
P. Francus, H. Lamb, T. Nakagawa, M. Marshall, E. Brown and Suigetsu 2006 Project Members

> The potential of varves in high-resolution paleolimnological studies [p.96-98]
A. Brauer, P. Dulski, C. Mangili, J. Mingram and J. Liu

> Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy: Rapid, quantitative analysis of biogeochemical properties of lake sediments [p.98-100]
P. Rosén, H. Vogel, L. Cunningham, N. Reuss, D. Conley and P. Persson

> Stable isotopes in chitinous fossils of aquatic invertebrates [p.100-102]
O. Heiri, M.J. Wooller, M. van Hardenbroek and Y.V. Wang

> Microbial membrane lipids in lake sediments as a paleothermometer [p.102-104]
J.W.H. Weijers, C.I. Blaga, J.P. Werne and J.S. Sinninghe Damsté

> Ancient DNA in lake sediment records [p.104-106]
M.J.L. Coolen and J.A.E. Gibson

> Tracking the effects of “aquatic osteoporosis” using paleolimnology [p.106-108]
A. Jeziorski, A.M. Paterson, N.D. Yan and J.P. Smol

> Calibration-in-time: Transforming biogeochemical lake sediment proxies into quantitative climate variables [p.108-110]
M. Grosjean, L. von Gunten, M. Trachsel and C. Kamenik

> Environmental and climatic changes inferred from lake deposits in China: A review of recent progress [p.110-112]
P. Rioual and L. Wang

> Paleolimnology of African lakes: Beyond the exploration phase [p.112-114]
D. Verschuren and J.M. Russell

> South American lake paleo-records across the Pampean Region [p.115-117]
F. García-Rodríguez, E. Piovano, L. del Puerto, H. Inda, S. Stutz, R. Bracco, D. Panario, F. Córdoba, F. Sylvestre and D. Ariztegui

> Results of recent sediment drilling activities in deep crater lakes [p.117-118]
R. Pienitz, M. Melles and B. Zolitschka

Open Science Highlights

> Younger Dryas Larix in eastern Siberia: A migrant or survivor? [p.122-123]
P. Tarasov, S. Müller, A. Andreev, K. Werner and B. Diekmann

Program News

> Paleolimnology and the restoration of aquatic systems [p.119-120]
> The PAGES/CLIVAR Intersection: Vision for the future [p.121]

Workshop Reports

> Holocene Climate Change in the Asian Region [p.124]
> East African Quaternary: Lessons from the past for the future [p.124-125]
> Data-assimilation techniques for paleoclimate data [p.125-126]
> Peatland archives of Holocene climate variability [p.127]
> Climate variability, forcings, feedbacks and responses: The long-term perspective [p.128]
> Mechanisms of Quaternary climate change: Stability of warm phases in the past and in the future [p.129-130]
> Towards a global synthesis of the climate of the last two millennia [p.130-131]
> Young scientists meet to exchange science, network and learn about PAGES [p.131-133]
> PAGES 3rd Open Science Meeting:Retrospective views on our planet's future [p.134]

Eds: Siddall M, Thompson WG, Waelbroeck C & Newman L
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

This special edition of PAGES news led by the PALSEA (PALeo SEA level) Working Group covers recent advances in the field of paleo sea level and ice sheet reconstruction. The focus is on the application of this data to a better understanding of contemporary and future sea level and ice sheet change, as well as directions for future research.

Access individual pdf articles further below.

The full magazine is available in the following formats:

> High resolution pdf (42 MB)
> Low resolution pdf (8.2 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu


> Full reference list 

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES [p.50]


> Past ice sheet dynamics and sea level—placing the future in context [p.51-52]
M. Siddall, W.G. Thompson and C. Waelbroeck

Science Highlights

> Recent Antarctic and Greenland ice-mass fluxes from satellite observations and their significance [p.52-54]
J. Bamber

> U-series dating of fossil coral reefs: Consensus and controversy [p.54-56]
M.B. Andersen, C.D. Gallup, D. Scholz, C.H. Stirling and W.G. Thompson

> Using models to inform the field community: Far-field sea level data applications [p.56-57]
G.A. Milne

> PLIOMAX: Pliocene maximum sea level project [p.58-59]
M.E. Raymo, P. Hearty, R. De Conto, M. O’Leary, H.J. Dowswset, M.M. Robinson and J.X. Mitrovica

> The dimensions of the Greenland Ice Sheet since the Last Glacial Maximum [p.60-61]
M.A. Kelly and A.J. Long

> Extending the uranium-series dating of fossil coral reefs back to marine isotope stage 15 [p.62-64]
C.H. Stirling and M.B. Andersen

> Ice sheet retreat and sea level rise during the last deglaciation [p.64-66]
P.U. Clark

> A new chronology of sea level highstands for the penultimate interglacial [p.66-68]
A. Dutton, F. Antonioli and E. Bard

> Tempo of global deglaciation during the early Holocene: A sea level perspective [p.68-70]
S.-Y. Yu, Y.-X. Li and T.E. Törnqvistst

> Coastal vegetation evidence for sea level changes associated with Heinrich Events [p.70-72]
C. González and L.M. Dupont

> Ice sheet-climate interactions during the ice age cycle [p.73-74]
A. Abe-Ouchi and B. Otto-Bliesner

Science Highlights

> Termination of the Medieval Warm Period: Linking sub-polar and tropical N Atlantic circulation changes to ENSO [p.76-77]
A. Kuijpers, B.A. Malmgren and M.-S. Seidenkrantz

> Reading the first early Cenozoic central Arctic sediment record: A palynological view [p.78-80]
F. Sangiorgi, A. Sluijs, J. Barke and H. Brinkhuis

> Potential imprint of changes in multidecadal climate variability on temperature reconstructions of the past millennium [p.80-81]
M. Schulz and M. Prange

Program News

> ADOM - Atmospheric circulation dynamics during the last glacial cycle: Observations and modeling [p.75]

Workshop Reports

> Global monsoon in observations, simulations and geological records [p.82-83]
> First international cave monitoring field workshop [p.83-84]
> Integrated analysis of interglacial climate dynamics - INTERDYNAMIC Status Seminar [p.84-85]
> Compiling records of Holocene erosion and sediment transport [p.85]
> Sustainable water and land management in semi-arid regions: Middle East and North Africa (MENA) [p.86-87]


Eds: Brigham-Grette J, Powell R, Newman L & Kiefer T
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

This issue serves to highlight the spectrum of ongoing studies contributing to international initiatives that are establishing new benchmarks in polar research. The papers represent a wide range of efforts, covering a variety of proxy records, using numerous types of field operations, laboratory techniques, and data analyses.

Access individual pdf articles further below.

The full magazine is available in the following formats:

> High resolution pdf (48.2 MB)
> Low resolution pdf (11.2 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu


> Full references

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES


> Change at the Poles - A Paleoscience Perspective [p.2]
J. Brigham-Grette and R. Powell

Science Highlights

> 2000 years of climate variability inferred from Arctic lake sediments [p.10-11]
D.S. Kaufman

> Holocene paleoclimate of the Canadian Arctic Islands: The ACVAST project [p.11-13]
K. Gajewski, M. Peros, S. Finkelstein and M. Fortin

> Stable isotopes in tree rings from the Russian Arctic— a proxy for winter precipitation? [p.14-15]
S. Holzkämper and P. Kuhry

> Arctic thermokarst lakes and the carbon cycle [p.16-18]
M. Edwards, K. Walter, G. Grosse, L. Plug, L. Slater and P. Valdes

> Initial results of HOTRAX address a wide range of Arctic paleoclimate issues [p.18-19]
D.A. Darby, L. Polyak and M. Jakobsson

> Lake El’gygytgyn’s emerging IPY record of Pliocene to recent Arctic change [p.19-21]
J. Brigham-Grette, M. Melles, P. Minyuk, C. Koeberl and Science Party

> Antarctic Paleobiology: Glacial refugia and constraints on past ice-sheet reconstructions [p.22-24]
L. Newman, P. Convey, J.A.E. Gibson and K. Linse

> Sea-ice proxies in Antarctic ice cores [p.24-26]
R. Röthlisberger and N. Abram

> Accurate chronology for Antarctic ice cores on orbital timescales [p.26-27]
K. Kawamura

> Antarctic Ice Sheet and climate history since the Last Glacial Maximum [p.28-29]
M.J. Bentley and D.A. Hodgson

> Change in the Southern Ocean: Responding to Antarctica [p.30-32]
L. Carter and G. Cortese

> New records of the role of Antarctic ice sheets in late Cenozoic climate [p.32-34]
R. Powell, T. Naish, R. Levy and the MIS Science Team

Open Science Highlights

> User-friendly data portal provides access to a transient paleoclimate simulation covering the last 21 kyr [p.4-5]
O. Timm, A. Timmermann and S.H. DeCarlo

> High- to low-latitude teleconnections during glacial terminations associated with ENSO-like variability [p.5-7]
L.D. Pena and I. Cacho

> Accurate dating of Gallipoli Terrace (Ionian Sea) sediments: Historical eruptions and climate records [p.8-9]
G. Vivaldo, C. Taricco, S. Alessio and M. Ghil 

Workshop Reports

> Cenozoic bi-polar connections over millennia [p.35]
> Recent change in the climate and atmospheric chemistry over Antarctica [p.36]
> Ninth International Conference on Permafrost [p.37-38]
> What causes glacial-interglacial cycles? [p.39-40]
> CLIVAR-PAGES-WCRP summer school on El Niño [p.40]
> PAGES Focus 4: Past Human-Climate-Ecosystem Interactions (PHAROS) Workshop [p.41]
> PMIP2 Workshop [p.42-43]
> Oxygen isotopes as tracers of Mediterranean climate variability: Linking past, present and future [p.43-44]
> Past climate variability in the Altai [p.44-45]
> Climate extremes during recent millennia and their impact on Mediterranean societies [p.45-46]


Eds: Fleitmann D, Spötl C, Newman L & Kiefer T
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

This PAGES newsletter focuses on several important aspects of speleothem-based paleoclimate research ranging from cave monitoring and studies of established and novel geochemical and physical proxy indicators, to dating issues and the development of long time series.

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The full magazine is available in the following formats:

> High resolution pdf (36.2 MB)
> Low resolution pdf (9.4 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu

> Full reference list

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES [p.3]


> Advances in Speleothem Research [p.2]
D. Fleitmann and C. Spötl

Science Highlights

> Climate variability recorded in tropical and sub-tropical speleothems [p.9-10]
J.W. Partin, K.M. Cobb and J.L. Banner

> Paleotemperature reconstruction using noble gas concentrations in speleothem fluid inclusions [p.10-12]
Y. Scheidegger, T. Kluge, R. Kipfer, W. Aeschbach-Hertig and R. Wieler

> Paleotemperatures from fluid inclusion liquid-vapor homogenization in speleothems [p.13-14]
Y. Krüger, D. Fleitmann and M. Frenz

> Cave monitoring and calibration of a δ18O–climate transfer function for a Gibraltar speleothem [p.15-17]
D. Mattey, J.P. Latin and M. Ainsworth

> Understanding climate proxies in southwest-Australian speleothems [p.17-19]
P.C. Treble, I.J. Fairchild and M.J. Fischer

> Temperature and precipitation records from stalagmites grown under disequilibrium conditions: A first approach [p.19-20]
C. Mühlinghaus, D. Scholz and A. Mangini

> The origin of lamination in stalagmites from Katerloch Cave, Austria: Towards a seasonality proxy [p.21-22]
R. Boch and C. Spötl

> Precipitation records of the last century reconstructed from annual growth-rate parameters of two Ethiopian stalagmites [p.22-24]
A. Asrat and A. Baker

> The use of stalagmite geochemistry to detect past volcanic eruptions and their environmental impacts [p.25-26]
S. Frisia, S. Badertscher, A. Borsato, J. Susini, O.M. Göktürk, H. Cheng, R.L. Edwards, J. Kramers, O. Tüysüz and D. Fleitmann

> Monitoring environmental pollution using a stalagmite from Hungary [p.27-28]
Z. Siklósy, A. Demény, S. Pilet, Sz. Leel-Ossy, K. Lin and C.C. Shen

> Timing of the 8.2-kyr event in a stalagmite from Northern Oman [p.29-30]
H. Cheng, D. Fleitmann, R.L. Edwards, S.J. Burns and A. Matter

> Millennial-scale climate variability recorded in Brazilian speleothems [p.31-32]
X. Wang, F.W. Cruz, A.S. Auler, H. Cheng and R.L. Edwards

Open Science Highlights

> Absolute chronologies from the ocean: Records from the longest-lived, non-colonial animals on Earth [p.4-6]
A.D. Wanamaker Jr, J.D. Scourse, C.A. Richardson, P.G. Butler, D.J. Reynolds and I. Ridgeway

> On the abyssal circulation in the Atlantic basin at the Last Glacial Maximum [p.6-8]
O. Marchal and W. Curry

Workshop Reports

> Climate Change: The Karst Record (KR5) [p.33]
> Establishing a Northern Eurasian paleoecological database: The pollen data [p.34]
> International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS) Steering Committee meeting [p.35]
> ESF EuroCLIMATE Spring School: Late Quaternary timescales and chronology [p.36-37]
> A new PAGES Working Group: Arctic2k - Arctic climate during the last 2 millennia [p.37-38]


Eds: Lohmann G, Newman L & Kiefer T
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

This issue focuses on paleo-data and modeling comparison and highlights the importance of validating the results of individual reconstructions and simulations. A variety of comparison methods are showcased. Updates on PAGES' programmes and recent workshops are also included.

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The full magazine is available in the following formats:

> High resolution pdf (33.6 MB)
> Low resolution pdf (7.7 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu


> Full reference list

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES [p.2]
> Professor Tungsheng Liu: Obituary [p.3]

Science Highlights

> Linking data and models [p.4-5]
G. Lohmann

> Northern hemisphere atmospheric blocking in ice core accumulation records from northern Greenland [p.5-7]
N. Rimbu, G. Lohmann and K. Grosfeld

> Reconstruction of Quaternary temperature fields and model-data comparison [p.8-9]
N. Kühl, C. Gebhardt, F. Kaspar, A. Hense and T. Litt

> Maunder Minimum climate variability from wind and moisture-sensitive proxies and model simulations [p.10-11]
C.C. Raible, R. De Jong, T.F. Stocker and M. Yoshimori

> The Little Ice Age in southern Patagonia: Comparison between paleoecological reconstructions and downscaled model output of a GCM simulation [p.12-13]
I. Meyer and S. Wagner

> Three-dimensional radiocarbon modeling: A tool to assess the last glacial ocean circulation and radiocarbon chronologies [p.13-14]
M. Butzin, M. Prange and G. Lohmann

> Data assimilation over the last millennium using ensemble techniques [p.15-16]
H. Goosse, M.E. Mann, H. Renssen and A. Timmermann

> Facilitating proxy-data interpretation of abrupt climate events using model simulations [p.16-18]
A.P. Wiersma, D.M. Roche and H. Renssen

> PMIP2 climate model-proxy data intercomparisons for the LGM [p.18-20]
B.L. Otto-Bliesner and E. Brady

> Are paleo-proxy data helpful for constraining future climate change? [p.20-21]
T. Schneider von Deimling, H. Heldld, A. Ganopolski and S. Rahmstorf

> Volcanism and the Little Ice Age [p.22-23]
T.J. Crowley, G. Zielinski, B. Vinther, R. Udisti, K. Kreutz, J. Cole-Dai and E. Castellano

> The PRISM Model/Data Cooperative: Mid-Pliocene data-model comparisons [p.24-25]
M. Chandler, H. Dowsett and A. Haywood

> How unusual was autumn 2006 in Europe? [p.26-28]
G. Jan van Oldenborgh

> Risk prediction of Canadian wildfires [p.28-30]
M. Mudelsee and M.P. Girardin

Program News

> What can data tell us about past climate that is useful for the future? Data management in paleoclimatology [p.30-31]
> PMIP (Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project) [p.31-32]
> An overview of some current CLIVAR modeling activities [p.32-33]
> Towards an Australasian climate reconstruction for the past two millennia [p.34]

Workshop Reports

> Improving our understanding of the marine biotic response to anthropogenic CO2 emissions [p.35-36]
> Oceanography and Climate Change: Past, present and future scenarios [p.36-37]

Eds: Kienast M, Lynch-Stieglitz J, Newman L & Kiefer T
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

This issue highlights recent advances in paleoceanography. Many of these studies were presented in one form or another at the 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP9), which took place in September 2007 in Shanghai, China.

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The full magazine is available in the following formats:

> High resolution PDF (39.5 MB) 
> Low resolution PDF (8.5 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu


> Full reference list

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES [p.3]


> Paleoceanography [p.2]
M. Kienast and J. Lynch-Stieglitz

Science Highlights

> Carbon burp and transient global warming during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum [p.9-11]
A. Sluijs

> Pleistocene records of marine carbonate chemistry [p.11-12]
B. Hönisch, J. Yu and N.G. Hemming

> An increase in the ventilation of the abyssal North Pacific Ocean at the end of the last ice age [p.13-14]
E.D. Galbraith and S.L. Jaccard

> Convincing evidence for rapid ice sheet growth during the last glacial period [p.15-16]
M. Siddall, E.J. Rohling and H.W. Arz

> Control of West African monsoon precipitation: Insights from the past [p.17-18]
S. Weldeab

> East-West seesaw of SST variation in the mid-latitude North Pacific during the last two glacial cycles [p.19-20]
M. Yamamoto and T. Oba

> Last glacial SST changes in the SE Pacific—a bipolar seesaw perspective [p.20-22]
J. Kaiser and F. Lamy

> North Atlantic salinity oscillations linked to atmospheric and ocean circulation changes over the last glacial cycle [p.23-25]
M. Schmidt and H. Spero

> The bipolar seesaw on the Iberian margin stretching over the past 420,000 years [p.25-27]
J.O. Grimalt and B. Martrat

> Prospects for reconstructing the Atlantic meridional overturning from cross-basin density estimates [p.28-29]
J. Lynch-Stieglitz, J. Hirschi, O. Marchal and U. Ninnemann

> Reconstructing changes in the meridional overturning circulation using sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratios [p.30-31]
J. Gherardi, J.F. McManus, R. Francois and L. Labeyrie

> Deep-ocean flow-speed changes linked to the NAO through Labrador Sea convection [p.32-33]
K. P. Boessenkool, I.R. Hall, H. Elderfield and I. Yashayaev

Program News

> The Paleoclimate Reconstruction Challenge [p.4]
> BIPOMAC (Bipolar Climate Machinery) [p.5]
> IMAGES [p.8]

Workshop Reports

> The future ocean: Perspectives from the past — A tribute to Professor Sir Nicholas Shackleton [p.34]
> PAGES-IMAGES-NSF Workshop: Intra- and interhemispheric variability of SST and the hydrological cycle over the last 4 Myr [p.35-36]
> 3rd Alexander von Humboldt International Conference: East Asian Monsoon, past, present and future [p.36-37]
> International Workshop on Methods in Quaternary Paleoecology [p.38]
> Fire in the Earth System: The Global Palaeofire Working Group [p.39-40]
> Mangrove paleoecology and environmental change [p.40-41]
> International workshop on environmental changes and sustainable development in arid and semi-arid regions [p.41-42]
> First Asian dendrochronology conference and workshop: Environmental change and human activity [p.42-43]

Eds: Kershaw P, Chappellaz J, Newman L & Kiefer T
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

This newsletter issue focuses on some science highlights and news articles, which are predominantly linked with Southern hemisphere projects, and covers all major southern landmasses and the Southern Ocean.

Access individual pdf articles further below.

The full magazine is available in the following format: 

> High resolution PDF (30 MB) 
> Low resolution PDF (6.3 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu


> Full reference list

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES [p.3]


> Developments in southern hemisphere paleoclimate research [p.2]
P. Kershaw and J. Chappellaz

Science Highlights

> Extending the Americas paleoclimate transect through the Antarctic Peninsula to the Pole [p.6-7]
D. Hodgson, E. Wolff, R. Mulvaney and C. Allen

> The Lake Malawi Scientific Drilling Project [p.7-8]
C. A. Scholz

> Recent advances in understanding Antarctic climate evolution [p.9-11]
M. J. Siegert, P. Barrett, R. DeConto, R. Dunbar, C. Ó Cofaigh, S. Passchier and T. Naish

> Antarctic ice cores [p.11-12]
E. Wolff and E. Brook

> Late Quaternary Antarctic sea-ice history: Evidence from deep-sea sediment records [p.13-14]
X. Crosta

> Long records of climate in southern Australasia [p.15-16]
T. T. Barrows and P. De Decker

> Dynamic Antarctic Ice: Agent for Mid-Pleistocene Transition [p.16-18]
J. M. Bowler and M. Sandiford

> NZ-Maars: Extracting high resolution paleoclimate records from maar crater lakes, Auckland, New Zealand [p.18-20]
P. Augustinus

> Five centuries of ENSO history recorded in Agathis australis (kauri) tree rings [p.20-21]
A. Fowler and G. Boswijkjk

> Linkages between southern hemisphere westerlies and hydrological changes in semi-arid Patagonia during the last 16,000 years [p.22-23]
T. Haberzettl, C. Mayr, M. Wille and B. Zolitschka

> Tree-ring evidence for tropical-extratropical influences on climate variability along the Andes in South America [p.23-25]
R. Villalba

> Late Quaternary dune development along the western margin of South Africa and its relationship to paleoclimatic changes inferred from the marine record [p.26-27]
B. Chase, D.S.G. Thomas, M.D. Bateman and M.E. Meadows

Open Science Highlights

> Rapid 20th-century increase in coastal upwelling off northwest Africa revealed by high-resolution marine sediment cores [p.28-30]
H.V. McGregor and S. Mulitza

Program News

> Working Group on Arctic climate during the last two millennia [p.5]
> University of Bern’s new “Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research” [p.4]

Workshop Reports

> UK IGBP - Paleo and modern perspectives on global change: A personal summary [p.30-31]
> Paleo-databases: Their role in modeling, reconstructing paleoclimate and
understanding paleoenvironments [p.32]
> ESF-EuroClimate: Radiocarbon and ice-core chronologies during glacial and deglacial times [p.33]
> The Eastern African Quaternary Research Association (EAQUA) inaugural workshop [p.34]

Eds: Dearing J, Cromer L & Kiefer T
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

This issue’s special section launches the new PAGES Focus 4 - Human-Climate-Ecosystem Interactions which has evolved from the former “Focus 5”. It ventures beyond paleoclimate reconstruction to ask questions about how climate, ecosystems and human activities have interacted in the past, and how this knowledge can provide information about the functioning of modern environmental systems.

Access individual pdf articles further below.

The full magazine is available in the following formats:

> High resolution PDF (7.1 MB)
> Low resolution PDF (4.4 MB)
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu


> Full reference list

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES [p.3]


> Past Human-Climate-Ecosystem Interactions [p.2]
J. Dearing

Science Highlights

> The desiccation of southern Africa’s Okavango Delta:Periodic fluctuation or long-term trend? [p.12-13]
H. Hamandawana

> Sensitivity of wetlands and water resources in southeastern Australia to climate and catchment change [p.13-15]
P. Gell, R. Jones and A. MacGregor

> The rise and fall of atmospheric pollution: The paleolimnological perspective [p.15-16]
N. Rose

> Reconstructing Holocene land-use change and sediment budgets in the Rhine system [p.17-18]
P. Houben, P. Burggraaff, T. Hoffmann, K. Kleefeld, A. Zimmermann and R. Dikau

> Global and regional reconstruction of Holocene vegetation, fire and land-use [p.19-21]
R.H.W. Bradshaw and J. Boyle

> The challenge of reconstructing human impact on large river systems [p.21-23]
T. Hoffmann, A. Lang and R. Dikau

> A meta-database for recent paleolimnological studies [p.23-24]
R.W. Battarbee, D. Morley, H. Bennion and G.L. Simpson

Open Science Highlights

> MIS 11 rocks! The “smoking gun” of a catastrophic +20 m eustatic sea-level rise [p.25-26]
P.J. Hearty

Program News

> IMAGES - The hydrological cycle and ocean temperatures: A paleo-perspective [p.6-7]
> RESOLuTION - Rapid climatic and environmental shifts during Oxygen Isotope Stages 2 and 3 - linking highresolution terrestrial, ice core and marine archives [p.7-8]
> Past Human-Climate-Ecosystem Interactions (PHAROS) [p.8-10]
> Integrated History and future Of People on Earth (IHOPE) [p.10-11]

Workshop Reports

> Establishing a northern Eurasian paleoecological database [p.27-28]
> First Central African PAGES Workshop [p.28]
> Maritime Connectivity Symposium [p.29]
> Circum-Iberia paleoceanography and paleoclimate [p.30-31]
> Salinity, climate change and salinization [p.31]

Eds: Hajdas I, Kull C & Kiefer T
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

In this issue of PAGES news, nine contributions present overview and progress reports on new developments in 14C dating methods and applications

Access individual pdf articles further below.

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> High resolution PDF (15 MB)
> Low resolution PDF (4 MB) 
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu


> Full references

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES [p.3]


> 14C-Chronology [p.2]
I. Hajdas

Science Highlights

> Cosmogenic isotope 14C: Production and carbon cycle [p.6-7]
K. Hughen

> Assuring measurement quality: The international 14C laboratory inter-comparison program [p.7-9]
E.M. Scott

> IntCal and the future of radiocarbon calibration [p.9-10]
P.J. Reimer, E. Bard, C. Buck, T.P. Guilderson, A. Hogg, K. Hughen, B. Kromer, R. Reimer, J. Southon, C.S.M. Turney, J. van der Plicht, C.E. Weyhenmeyer and C.B. Ramsey

> The potential for extending Intcal04 using OIS-3 New Zealand sub-fossil Kauri [p.11-12]
A.G. Hogg, C.S.M. Turney, J.G. Palmer, L.L.K. Fifield and M.G.L. Baillie

> Marine reservoir corrections and the calibration curve [p.12-13]
R.W. Reimer and P.J. Reimer

> New approaches to constructing age models: OxCal4 [p.14-15]
C. Bronk Ramsey

> 21st century suck-in or smear: Testing the timing of events between archives [p.15-16]
M. Blaauw, J. Andrés Christen, D. Mauquoy, J. van der Plicht and K.D. Bennett

> High-resolution radiocarbon chronologies and synchronization of records [p.17-18]
I. Hajdas, D. Lowe and R. Newnham

> Marine 14C reservoir ages oscillate [p.18-19]
P.M. Grootes and M. Sarnthein

Open Science Highlights

> Are insolation and sunspot activity the primary drivers of Holocene glacier fluctuations? [p.20-21]
J. Koch and J.J. Clague

> Holocene trends in tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation [p.22-23]
A. Koutavas, P.B. Demenocal and J. Lynch-Stieglitz

> Long-term climatic variations in central Asia and the deVries solar cycle [p.24-25]
O. Raspopov, V. Dergachev, J. Esper and T. Kolström

Program News

> The Millennium project: European climate of the last millennium [p.4]
> Paleoenvironments in south India: Monsoon records from rainfed reservoirs [p.5]

Workshop Reports

> Regional climate variations in south America over the late Holocene [p.26]
> Past hurricanes [p.27]
> The 8.2kyr event [p.28-29]
> IGBP-SCOR Workshop: Ocean acidification — modern observations and past experiences [p.29-30]
> Reconstruction of past Mediterranean climate: Unexplored sources of high resolution data in historic time [p.31]

Eds: Brigham-Grette J, Kull C & Kiefer T
PAGES Magazine
Past Global Changes Magazine

The short articles presented in this issue of PAGES news were volunteered primarily by researchers funded by the US NSF's Earth System History (ESH) program. They represent a small cross-section of the range of science address by the cross-disciplinary ESH initiative.

Access individual pdf articles further below.

The full magazine is available in the following formats:

> High resolution PDF (8.1 MB)
> Low resolution PDF (4.8 MB) 
> Access an interactive PDF via the online publication platform Issuu


> Full references

Individual Newsletter Articles


> Inside PAGES [p.3]


> U.S. Earth System History Program in Transition [p.2]
J. Brigham-Grette

Science Highlights

> Climate-related changes in export production off the Pacific coast of Mexico during the last deglaciation [p.6-7]
R.F. Anderson, M.Q. Fleisher and P.W. Kubik

> Is there a pervasive Holocene ice-rafted debris (IRD) signal in the northern North Atlantic? The answer appears to be either no, or it depends on the proxy! [p.7-9]
J.T. Andrews, A.E. Jennings, M. Moros, C. Hillaire-Marcel and D. Eberl

> Progress in the study of Asian Monsoon climate dynamics using dendrochronology [p.10-11]
B.M. Buckley, R.D. D’arrigo, E.R. Cook, G.C. Jacoby and W.E. Wright

> Solar forcing of the tropical Pacific climate and impacts over North America for the last millennium [p.12-14]
A.C. Clement, J.N Emile-Geay, R. Seager, M. Cane and M.N. Evans

> The mystery interval 17.5 to 14.5 kyrs ago [p.14-16]
G.H. Denton, W.S. Broecker and R.B. Alley

> Delayed onset of the South American Summer Monsoon during the Last Glacial Maximum [p.17-18]
K.H. Cook and E.K. Vizy

> Large lake drilling projects supported by U.S. National Science Foundation Earth Systems History Program [p.19-20]
S. Fritz, T. Johnson, P. Baker, S. Colman, W. Dean and J. Peck

> Oak growth in Midwestern North America linked with post glacial climate epochs in the North Atlantic [p.21-22]
R.P. Guyette, M.C. Stambaugh, A. Lupo, R.-M. Muzika and D.C. Dey

> Consolidating high- and low-resolution information from different sources into a Northern Hemisphere climate reconstruction [p.22-24]
S. Huang

> Can models of abrupt climate change be tested from sea level reconstructions? [p.24-26]
C. Jackson, Y. Liu and O. Marchal

> Late Holocene hydrological variability in ombrotrophic peatlands of eastern North America [p.26-28]
S.T. Jackson, R.K. Booth, Y. Huang, E.G. Pendall, J.E. Nichols, T.A. Minckley and M. Taylor

Open Science Highlights

> San Valentin glacier ice core (Chilean Patagonia) – Filling the gap between Central Andes and Antarctica [p.29-30]
P. Ginot, F. Vimeux, M. De Angelis and O. Magand

> Sediment, pollen and isotope evidence for an Early to Mid-Holocene humid period in the desert of Yemen [p.30-32]
A.-M. Lézine, C. Robert, J.-F. Saliège and J.-J. Tiercelin

> A better climate for human evolution [p.32-34]
M.H. Trauth, M.A. Maslin, A. Deino and M.R. Strecker

> Surface temperature reconstructions for the last 2000 years [p.34-36]
G.R. North and I. Kraucunas

Program News

> DAYACLIM: A northern Sahara desert climate change project [p.4]

Workshop Reports

> The HOLIVAR Open Science Meeting [p.37-38]
> PAGES/CLIVAR workshop on past millennia climate variability – synthesis and outlook [p.38-39]
> ICDP workshop PASADO: Deep drilling at Laguna Potrok Aike, a maar lake in southern Argentina [p.39-40]
> Climate change: A multi-dimensional challenge [p.40-41]
> New trends in Geomorphology – systems-based understanding of long term man-landscape interactions [p.41-42]
> Linkage between marine and terrestrial processes during past rapid climatic changes [p.42-43]
> Monitoring Indonesian throughflow variability: Challenges and perspectives [p.43]