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4th PAGES webinar: HDRG

Online meeting
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Sarah Eggleston
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Our 4th webinar, with the affiliated Hominin Dispersals Research Group (HDRG), will be held on Monday 8 February at 18:00 UTC.

Find your date and time here.

> Watch the webinar recording on PAGES' YouTube channel


This webinar will be conducted by Ariane Burke (Universite de Montreal).

The impact of climate change on the structure of human populations during the Last Glacial period in Western Europe: implications for biological and cultural evolution
Burke, A., de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Kageyama, M., King, J., Latombe, G., Lecuyer, C., Perez, L., Peros, M., Riel-Salvatore, J., Vrac, M., Wren, C.
The Hominin Dispersals Research Group is an interdisciplinary group founded in 2005. Our goal is to investigate the evolutionary basis of hominin dispersals and explore the impact of climate change on human population dynamics.

We use archaeological data and paleoclimate simulations to build habitat suitability models (HS) that are used analytically to identify variables driving human choice and predictively in the design of archaeological surveys. We have applied these tools to study human population dynamics during the Last Glacial Maximum in Europe.

The HS model allows us to identify key aspects of ecological risk and demonstrates the extent to which human populations were fragmented within glacial refugia. The archaeological record is used to explore the repercussions of HS on human mobility. An agent-based model (ABM) explores the impact of HS on human population structure.

The coupled HS/ABM model allows us to model inter-regional patterns of gene flow and explore the possible repercussions in terms of material culture. We are currently using this approach to investigate human/environment interactions in Northern Africa and Europe during MIS 3 and the Tardiglacial and the impact of environmental variability on sub-Saharan African populations dating to the Mid-Pleistocene.

How to join

Meeting ID: 986 9810 7733
Passcode: 108135

It is free to join and you do not need to register.

> Watch the webinar recording on PAGES' YouTube channel

Further information

Questions can be sent to PAGES' Science Officer Sarah Eggleston.

> Access all the PAGES webinars on our YouTube channel