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CVAS seminar series 1: Nogueira/Kislov

Online meeting
Contact person
Raphaël Hébert
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Working groups
Meeting Category

The Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS) working group seminar series will be held online every second Thursday at 13:00-14:00 UTC, from July to October 2020.

Today's seminar

Speakers and presenters at today's seminar are:

13:00-13:30: Miguel Nogueira (talk) - The water cycle response across scales.

13:30-14:00: Alex Kislov (talk) - Information about the Caspian Sea and Black Sea(area) changes. Climate change and water budgetmechanisms of sea level changes. Using the model ofstochastic walking. Calculation of the pdf. Paradoxicalinterpretation of results about data/model comparison.