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LandCover6k General Meeting/Workshop 2016

Utrecht, Netherlands
Workshop report
Contact person
Marie-José Gaillard
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The LandCover6k General Meeting/Workshop 2016 will be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, from 14-16 June.

Program details

Arrival: afternoon/evening 14 June
Departure: afternoon/evening 16 June or morning 17 June.

Workshop goals

The goal of the workshop is to report on the work of the subgroups so far and to take enough material/data to this workshop to discuss. If possible, we would like to compare early results with the latest HYDE 3.2/KK10 maps.


Tuesday 14 June: Optional get together, downtown Utrecht, late afternoon/early evening? (At own expense)

Wednesday 15 June:


8.30 am Opening, welcome and logistics
9.00 am Opening speech by Martin Wassen, Director Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development
9.30 am – 12.00 am Overview of subgroups
ALCC modelers Climate modelers LandUse6K project, methodology development General on pollen-based Land Cover Historians, progress, methodologies South/Latin America Asia
12.00 am – 1.30 pm Lunch break


1.30 pm Split up in parallel sessions
4.30 pm Reports from groups
5.00 pm Closure
7.00 pm Conference dinner

Thursday 16 June:


8.30 am Opening, planning of today and logistics
9.00 pm Continued talks, presentations: 8. Northern America 9. Africa 10. Europe, including European Russia and Middle East
12.00 am – 1.30 pm Lunch break


1.30 pm Parallel sessions: Discuss progress sub groups Discuss progress, identify problems, difficulties, possible deliverables, etc
4.00 pm Reports from groups
4.30 pm General summary and planning
5.00 pm Closure
5.00 – 7.00 pm Optional drinks at Hofman’s  cafe, Janskerkhof
7.00 pm Dinner


The venue address is: Zaalverhuur7 Boothstraat 7 3512 BT Utrecht, the Netherlands.

‘Zaalverhuur7’ is an inspiring location right in the heart of the city, in an authentic church building from 1900 with rooms for small as well as large groups. The rooms have a modern design with just a hint of nostalgia. The homely and warm appearance creates a relaxed atmosphere. By making use of an old church in a sustainable way they want to make a valuable contribution to society. They work with local and global suppliers who have a lot of love for their product.


Register at:

Registration deadline: 15 May 2016.


Kees Klein Goldewijk will be the local organizer.
The LandCover6k core group will help with aims, program etc. Contact persons: Marie-José Gaillard (land cover) and Kathleen Morrison (land use).

Further information

For more information, especially regarding accommodation an transport to Utrecht, go to the website: