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EcoRe3 workshop: An introduction to the analysis of palaeoecological time-series: abrupt change and resilience

Contact person
Lindsey Gillson
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The EcoRe3 working group will hold the workshop "An introduction to the analysis of palaeoecological time-series: abrupt change and resilience" from 16-20 March 2020 in Cape Town, South Africa.

*Update 12 March 2020 - meeting cancelled*

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the final meeting of EcoRe3 has been cancelled. Please contact meeting organizers Alistair Seddon and Lindsey Gillson with any questions (information at bottom of page).


All Africa House

43 Stanley Road, Middle Campus

University of Cape Town

Rondebosch, WC 7701.


The workshop starts at 9:00 on Monday 16 March, so arrival in Cape Town on Sunday 15 March is recommended. The workshop finishes at 16:00 Friday 20 March.

This workshop is supported by SANORD and is part of a PAGES-funded EcoRe3 working group activity.

There are maximum of 12 spaces on the workshop, with three PAGES-funded spaces for participants from southern Africa outside of South Africa.

The course is free, but all travel (including ground travel in Cape Town) and accommodation are at own expense.

Accommodation is available at All Africa House and can be booked via:


Applicants from Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe may apply for PAGES funding that covers their transport and accommodation. Please supply a letter of motivation by 2 March to (lindsey[dot]gillson[at]uct[dot]ac[dot]za) if you are applying for this funding.

South African applicants are not eligible to apply for PAGES funding.


This workshop will cover basic tools for analysis of palaeoecological data (mainly Holocene), with an emphasis on datasets from Southern Africa.

The workshop will be based in R. Basic competencies in R are required.

Topics covered over the four-day workshop include an introduction to:

1. Analysis of theoretical models of regime shifts and alternative states

2. Abrupt change detection and characterisation using, e.g. generalised-additive modelling, non-linear regression

3. Early-warning indicator analysis.

We anticipate that one day will be spent discussing a potential synthesis paper to assess components of vegetation resilience from datasets in southern Africa.


- Basic competencies in R.

- Own laptop with up to date versions of R and R studio.

- We encourage participants to bring their own data to analyse.


Registration closes 2 March.

For further information and to register, please go to:

Further information

Contact working group leader Alistair Seddon: (alistair[dot]seddon[at]uib[dot]no)

Or contact workshop organizer Lindsey Gillson: (lindsey[dot]gillson[at]uct[dot]ac[dot]za)