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NICOPP 2: Sedimentary d15N - data synthesis, analysis and modeling

Halifax, NS, Canada
Workshop report
Contact person
Markus Kienast
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

NICOPP (Nitrogen Cycle in the Ocean, Past and Present) is a joint working group of PAGES and IMAGES, which brings together researchers studying nitrogen isotope (d15N) dynamics in order to learn about the dynamics of the marine nitrogen cycle in the Quaternary and the present. Building on the first workshop and on the ongoing compilation of nitrogen isotope data from marine sediments, with the second workshop we seek to achieve the following goals:

-To finalize authoritative synthesis publications on sedimentary nitrogen isotope records, including a summary of outstanding uncertainties and open questions

-To present the databases (surface sediment and down-core records) and highlight paradigm-shifting findings that are emerging from these data compilations

-To discuss insights from data-model comparisons. To this end, leading modelers of ocean biogeochemistry will be at the workshop.

-To mix researchers with paleo and modern perspectives and expertise, raise awareness of relevant modern oceanographic data, and introduce paleo-findings to a broader community. Thus, workshop topics will include global nutrient budgets, biological mechanisms of nitrogen isotope fractionation, etc.

Please contact the organizers if you are interested in attending.